Anneberg-Skanstull Tunnel
Svenska kraftnät is building a new electricity connection between Anneberg and Skanstull, in order to meet the growing demand for electricity in Stockholm. The contractor is the JV HOCHTIEF Implenia consortium.
The electricity connection will run in a tunnel that stretches from Danderyd in the north, under Stockholm's inner city, to Mårtensdal, south of Skanstull. Since the summer of 2019, JV HOCHTIEF Implenia has been on the construction site in Danderyd. About 11,389 km have been drilled so far
Bypass Stockholm FSE101
Bypass Stockholm is one of Sweden's largest infrastructure projects of all time, running until 2026. HOCHTIEF's contract covers the southernmost parts of the facility.
Today there is only one major road when you have to pass Stockholm or get between the northern and southern parts: Essingeleden, which goes straight through Stockholm.
The contract includes building the construction parts furthest south within the E4 Bypass Stockholm. This includes rebuilding and new construction of roads, a new pedestrian and bicycle bridge and a new traffic area.
Västberga Allé
The project included renovation of an existing road bridge, road works, foundations, work and new construction of two steel bridges, one for road traffic and one for pedestrian and bicycle traffic, between Västberga allé and Åbyvägen in Stockholm.
The project started in 2015 and the bridges were opened to traffic in June 2017. The traffic office in the city of Stockholm was the client.
Norra Station NS24
HOCHTIEF's assignment was to increase the Norra link's drainage capacity by building a reservoir where the stormwater from the heavily trafficked E20 and E4 thoroughfares can be delayed and purified before being led on to Lake Mälaren.
North station 24 differs from other stormwater reservoirs by being located above ground, in the basement. The magazine ends up in the middle of the eye-catcher in the intensely trafficked surroundings, especially Rörstrandsgatan in Stockholm. Therefore, the City of Stockholm placed high demands on the design of the building.
Norra Länken NL51
The northern link consists of several interconnected tunnels that connect Lidingö with Värtahamnen. In collaboration with the Swedish partner ODEN, HOCHTIEF Solutions AG, Germany's Sweden branch, has built the road tunnel Norra länken 51.
Norra länken 51 connects to Norra länken 35, which has also been built by HOCHTIEF. The intersection provides access to one of Sweden's busiest motorways, the Essingeleden, in western Stockholm.
The tunnel is built as a "Cut and Cover", ie as an open shaft. In connection with this, it was necessary to excavate the bedrock at a volume of 210,000 m³. A total of 20,000 m3 of rock material was removed.
Norra Länken NL35
Between KTH mechanical engineering and eastwards to Fiskartorpsvägen, HOCHTIEF has built two road tunnels and an exit tunnel through the mountain.
The project involved, among other things, installation of ventilation drums with drilling and blasting technology where 440,000 m3 of rock material was removed, injection, protection and construction of inner shells as well as complete road works and installation of, among other things, pump station, transformer station and ventilation systems.
In the project Norra station 13, HOCHTIEF has expanded a southbound road tunnel with five lanes and a northbound tunnel with four lanes that lead traffic to and from the Norra link.
The project, which started in 2012, involved a widening with a lane. At the height of Solnabron, the lanes were divided so that four lanes were led out on the Essingeleden and one lane was led towards the Klarastrandsleden.